Monday, January 18, 2010

How to Wash Your Face & Proper Facial Cleansing Video Tutorial

I uploaded a YouTube video about How to Wash Your Face & Proper Facial Cleansing. It actually goes with the blog post below this post. Here is the Permalink for How to Wash Your Face. Proper Facial Cleansing: More than Just A Splash of Water!

The video demonstration by Lauren, from Repechage, is taken from my chat with Glamour Magazine (see February issue on newsstands p.44) about "Great Skin...a few basics right at your bathroom sink"

If you have a YouTube account, can you please login and 5 star the video and add it to your favorite list on YouTube and add comments if you enjoy it. Also, please pass the video along to your friends to make it viral.

I hope you enjoy it.
