In the end, my pizza received the most votes and my husband joked that I had won because I “PR’ed my pizza.”
While it was funny, it was true. As a professional, it is important that you are able to talk about your services and products effectively and enthusiastically. If a client isn’t aware of what you have to offer, how can they buy it? And unfortunately, a product sitting on a shelf doesn’t always speak for itself- it is your job to speak for it. “This is the most fantastic moisturizer for dry, dehydrated skin!" "The mint in this body scrub is more invigorating than coffee to jump start your morning!”
Your excitement is infectious and I know I’d personally rather try something I’m hearing rave reviews about over something I’m hearing nothing about. The more information you give, the more information a client or potential client will hear. And if you are getting a consistent no, you aren’t giving them the information they need. You are not telling them what they want to hear.